A Virtual Assistant Success Story

How I Conquered My Limiting Beliefs!

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”

— Winston S. Churchill

How many times have you told yourself that you are a failure? Have you ever thought of giving up? I know I did, EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE.

For people that know me, they might think that I am an entitled spoiled brat who did not get what she wants. But I injured my knee in my 3rd year in college. I was on and off with knee cast or knee braces, then had ACL (Anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction surgery by 2003. I was unable to do what I was able to do before like running, playing sports, and even as simple as a step by step climbing of the stairs.

I stopped going to school for a while because of mobility issues. I experienced heartbreak. Was unsuccessful with my business venture. And I lost friends.

I pitied myself. I felt like a burden to everybody. Then I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder last 2004. I was having suicidal thoughts by 2005. Life stopped for a brief moment but I was able to finally graduate and started work by 2006.

I thought I had found my happy ending when I got married and had my son last 2008. But I failed again. My single momma journey started in 2010 ( but never felt like it because I had the support of both my parents).

I left corporate 2012 and that’s where I became a virtual assistant with no experience or training whatsoever. And then my parents died just 3 years apart. I lunged into self-pity and I felt like I had depression again.

But this time it’s different. I felt this strong pull to start over (again)! My vision said I wished to be a writer. But I have my limiting beliefs.

Photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels.com

Beliefs saying that “I am not good enough” or “I don’t deserve to be happy…” and the strongest limiting belief that I have is that “I am a failure…”

I became too critical of my work and fear hindered everything. But the universe always conspires to give what you want. I decided to work and act on my desire to be a writer.

But first, I have to accept that I am a failure. So now what? Not knowing where to start was a struggle. So I identified what I wanted. 

I started with the urge to upskill my content writing skills. So I searched for (free) online courses. Applied to various online work (feeling like an expert but just learning as I go).

I wanted a push to start writing again, so I enrolled in The Ben Button Content Writing Course. Now I can write something every day, be it an activity, a blog or simply my thoughts on paper.

  This is the first time that I am going to pour my heart out online. My main thought in mind is to inspire others to break free of their own limiting beliefs.  For others to be able to manifest success, abundance and most especially to practice self-love. To make others realize that every day is a work in progress. They are a work in progress. 

All they need to do now is to (have) ACT.

  • ACTION – do something about it. Getting up in the morning is a baby step toward doing something.
  • COMPASSION – if you can show compassion to others, show compassion to yourself. I was reminded once again that we are our own worst critic, but why do we show compassion to others but not ourselves? Why is it so easy for us to say something nice to others but never to us?
  • TRIUMPH – acknowledge that every day is a battle won. Start each day with a triumphant feeling to have the courage to face a new day.

Now I am writing something every day. Word count doesn’t matter, but I see it improve every time. I learned to unlearn, I got to practice, and I got to share my thoughts.

I inspired and motivated myself. And most especially, I BELIEVED that I CAN!  If you want to join me on my journey, like my Facebook page and ACT with me.

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