How to Marie Kondo Your Inbox

The Art of Inbox Prioritization

Clutter is stressful and distracting. Our minds tend to be overloaded and we then get easily distracted. It, of course, hinders productivity. Messy desks and a full email inbox have the same effect.

Here are the steps to Marie Kondo Your Inbox:

  1. Commit to the Task
  2. Declutter your Inbox
  3. Get Rid of Junk or Spam Emails (it helps to unsubscribe)
  4. Organize and Label your Emails
  5. If it Sparks Joy, turn on email alerts. If not, turn it off.

A well-organized inbox improves productivity and reduces your stress levels.

Oh and by the way, if you are using Gmail, take advantage of their Gmail Priority Inbox.